Our world is clearly the sum of all its parts. Everyone contributes to the outcomes they see in the life around them. Wherever and however we express ourselves, the Chi or energy we develop and carry in our being and manifest in our creations has a real and powerful effect on the world around us. Can we refine that effect? At the same time, the world has an effect on our being and our creations. Can we tune in and connect with Chi that is most appropriate and auspicious for our life?

Feng Shui is the ideal instrument for visualizing and mapping out the effect and outcome of all this energetic interaction. From the working viewpoint of Sanctuary Earth, we might say that Feng Shui insight is our blossom where Taoism is our root, Tai Chi is our trunk, and Chi Kung, shiatsu, and Taoist meditation are our leaves and branches. Our Sanctuary creation, or activation, is built on the sum of these parts.

Your own Sanctuary, however fashioned, naturally brings out the best of you. You can recognize and "tune-up" your relationship with the Chi in your life, adjusting Chi excess and insufficiency, and optimizing the dynamic flow and ebb of life experience. Your Sanctuary arises in a place of respect, readiness and appropriate resource. When your world and your environment, your body and your mind truly become your Sanctuary, your natural happiness – your Tao – becomes manifest.

Like the Caterpillar entering the chrysalis, you can create and enter your own Sanctuary. Responding to life's calling honestly, fully and fearlessly, you emerge beautiful and ready for the work to which you are best suited. If a caterpillar can do it, so can We All!

Tune in to Your Chi, Refine or Redesign Your Expression, Live Fully in Your World!

You may need just a few pointers and a solid starting point or you may need a full review and rejuvenation. However you want to proceed on your journey to the You that you seek, a Sanctuary Earth offers a place to begin.

Contact Sanctuary Earth and meet John Lake, Feng Shui Consultant and BFD (Barefoot Doctor) to identify the energy mix of your personal and professional life. Together, you will select starting points and set achievable goals:

We will create a personal Sanctuary Solution to activate your Chi and support your Tao.

Your Personal Sanctuary Solution will be suited to your current situation and designed to grow you in tune with your long-term goals. Your Personal Solutions will naturally evolve as you achieve your goals.

Feng Shui Is the Heart of All Sanctuary Work

In our view, all Sanctuary Solutions are really Feng Shui. Whether tai chi, shiatsu, Chi Kung, meditation or the I Ching each follows the dynamic transformation process expressed in the Five Elements to activate and modulate the energies that weave and blend through your life. Even so, while we often call Shiatsu “feng shui of the body”, we could just as easily call feng shui “shiatsu of the home and workplace”.

Activate the Elements – Energize Your Life!

In our initial consultation we work to identify the elements most affecting your life – and determine which are most ripe for adjustment. From there we work out your personal Sanctuary Solution – selecting Strategies tailored to meet the issue and achieve the movement and improvement you desire.

Sample questions like these below can help to reveal the quality and quantity of Chi in your life. Your answers can also suggest the approach you might take in developing your own Sanctuary Solution.
However you choose to proceed, Sanctuary Strategies can help you at any point in your life.

Check out our consultation packages and contact us to begin creating your own custom strategy for activating and fully living your life!
Welcome to Sanctuary Earth!
Resource Directory for Sanctuary You!.
Sanctuary work supports a self-directed life that allows you to understand and respond fully to the call you hear at any stage of life.

Find courage, harmony and support as you grow and move through your life.
Follow your TAO-self and be your own Sanctuary:

T - True
A - Activated
O - Original

Be honestly, naturally, as happy as you can be!
We Are All One.

Read and contribute to our Weblog: stories of Feng Shui at work in the world.

Harmony and peace spread easily when arising from your heart and soul.